May 2021    Making Art Making Change (MAMC) Newsletter
Vanessa and Elena took a break for the holidays but not before working feverishly with our new partner Alpha Education and the Asia Pacific Museum of Peace to prepare a grant application to a Federal Government Heritage grant, by January 4th, 2021. We made the deadline and started breathing again with our fingers crossed!

In January 2021, still living with Covid, Making Art Making Change signed an agreement with The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery (TPP) to design and deliver their Seniors Outreach program. This is a pilot for TPP.  MAMC is very proud to be recognized for its work with seniors and its successful virtual delivery model. This collaboration was made possible with funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. This three-part project responds to TPP exhibitions featuring Howie Tsui, Nathan Eugene Carson,  Leonardo Drew, and Miriam Cahn. 

These artists explore the themes of belonging, identity, place, and presence of absence.  

MAMC’s community partners for Part 1 were Progress Place and Dixon Hall. We worked with 14 seniors in St. Jamestown and Regent Park. Part 2 took place with 16 seniors living in Thorncliffe Park and our community partner was the Toronto Neighbourhood Organization. MAMC discovered a wealth of lived experiences from people who have been isolated and lonely in our new dystopian reality. A bond was created amongst our participants and we shared profoundly touching and rich stories. As always, the participants were amazed at discovering their talents as artists and how art can help them communicate. Elena and Vanessa in turn were deeply moved to hear that the 8 session project had helped participants improve their mental health and wellbeing. MAMC facilitated the ninth session to allow the participants to exhibit their work in our virtual studio.
You gave me wings to fly, I feel like a different human being. I was hiding behind a mask and my mental health was at a low ebb. Now I experience joy. I feel better.

Zeenat, participant
Thank you Vanessa and Elena for creating an outlet for us to be challenged during this time of the pandemic.  I feel so fortunate to be in your class.  You have inspired me weekly and for that, I'm so thankful.  For all the time and efforts you make to help us grow and the challenges you encourage us to face to help us become who we are.  You are amazing and brilliant instructors.

 — Angela, participant
 In age, I am 81, in feeling I am still 18. The project unlocked my creativity and imagination. I was able to feel fulfillment, achievement, and well-being. This project took me away from the tv. I look refreshed now and I saw my attitude change.
Linda, participant 
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Copyright © 2020 Making Art Making Change, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
40 Admiral Road
Toronto, ON, M5R 2L5, Canada


Making Art Making Change is a non-profit charity committed to giving voice to individuals in a group setting within communities through the use of visual arts.

Our experienced artist educators are committed to creating a safe space and engaging projects where participants can explore artistic expression while developing self-awareness, collaboration skills and original creative thinking. Our focus is to facilitate dialogue and collaboration, thereby strengthening community bonds and reducing isolation.

Charitable Number 770955870 RR0001

Instagram @mamccanada

Facebook @MAMCCanada

Phone Us
647 885 1408

Mailing Address
505 - 150 Balmoral Avenue
Toronto, ON
M4V 1J4

© Making Art Making Change 2020